1、Private homeownership is increasing faster than ever.(私有房產正以前所未有的速度增長。)
2、He was chafing under the company's newownership.(他對公司新的所有制很是惱火。)
3、The downward trend in homeownership is likely to continue.(住房擁有率的下降趨勢有可能還要延續(xù)。)
4、It is also generally accepted in some developing countries that carownership is a symbol of personal status such as wealth, power and social prestige.(在一些發(fā)展中國家,人們也普遍認為擁有汽車是財富、權力和社會聲望等個人地位的象征。)
5、We feel something similar to a sense ofownership when we hold things in our hand.(當我們手里拿著東西時,我們會有一種類似于所有權的感覺。)
6、ownership of the land is currently being disputed.(這塊土地的所有權現在還有爭議。)
7、"It made me think about how I'm teaching him to haveownership of his own body and how what is shared today endures into the future," Dunham says.(“這讓我想到我是如何教他擁有自己身體的所有權,以及今天分享的東西將會對未來產生什么影響?!编嚰{姆說。)
8、Now, consider three indices of assimilation—language, homeownership and intermarriage.(現在,思考一下這三個同化的指標——語言、房屋擁有權和異族通婚。)
9、The financing of homeownership will continue through the 1990s and beyond.(房屋產權的融資將持續(xù)到20世紀90年代及以后。)
10、He initially submitted a claim forownership of the shack and became entangled in a legal battle, but has now withdrawn the claim.(他最初提出了棚屋所有權的要求,并卷入了一場法律糾紛,但現在已經撤回了要求。)
11、But biological parents aren't always preferable to adoptive ones, and biological parentage does not convey an absoluteownership that cancels all the rights of children.(但是,親生父母并不總是比養(yǎng)父母更如人意,親生父母的身份并不能傳達一種絕對的所有權,這種所有權取消了兒童的所有權利。)
12、This sense ofownership is simply not part of the equation in the online shopping experience.(這種擁有感并不是線上購物體驗的一部分。)
13、A brand was a mark ofownership burned into the hide of an animal with a hot iron.(烙印是用烙鐵燒在牲畜皮上的所有權標記。)
14、Topics may include possession, gifts, bailments, concurrentownership, and philosophic bases of property rights.(主題可能包括占有,禮物,委托,共同所有權,和財產權利的哲學基礎。)
15、Although it may be less marked in other societies, the link between the sense of "self" and of "ownership" is a notable feature of childhood in Western societies.(在其他社會中可能不那么明顯,但西方社會中“自我”和“所有權”之間的聯系是童年的一個顯著特征。) (hao86.com好工具)
16、No other European country had so much stateownership and so few privately owned businesses.(沒有任何別的歐洲國家有這么多的國有企業(yè)和這么少的私有企業(yè)。)
17、Complex structures with more than three layers ofownership should arouse especial scrutiny.(擁有三層以上所有權的復雜結構應該受到特別的審查。)
18、Such efforts rob the team of feeling self-direction andownership of their process.(這樣的努力剝奪了團隊對過程的自我指導和所有權。)
19、The restaurant is under newownership.(這個餐廳已換了新的東家。)
20、Privatization goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to privateownership of industry.(私有化與他們反對產業(yè)私有制的原則相違背。)
21、The other reason why costs are so high is the restrictive guild-likeownership structure of the business.(成本如此之高的另一個原因是行業(yè)協(xié)會具有約束性的所有權結構等限制性因素。)
22、Hispanic households continued to lag behind, but their rate of computerownership was expanding as well.(西班牙家庭繼續(xù)落后,但他們的計算機擁有率也在提升。)
23、Industrial disputes are not the only issue bothering BA. More than 20 years after privatization, it is still struggling with the legacy of stateownership.(勞資糾紛還不是困擾英航的唯一問題。在20多年的私有化改制后,英航仍然在為國有的遺留問題而掙扎抗爭。)
24、The matter in dispute is theownership of the house.(眼下的糾紛是這所房子的所有權問題。)
25、Russia and Ukraine have been disputing theownership of the fleet.(俄羅斯和烏克蘭一直在爭奪該艦隊的所有權。)
26、My various possessions were floating in their own pools of shadow, denying myownership of them.(我的各種財產都漂浮在各自的陰影中,否認我的持有權。)
27、We have changes in farming and in landownership.(我們的農業(yè)和土地所有權發(fā)生了變化。)