1、But that does not explain why Mr Megrahi was letgo under any law.(但這并沒有解釋邁格·拉希得以釋放的原因。)
2、There are fast trains, slow trains, trains thatgo under the ground, and trains that go through mountains.(這兒有快車,慢車;還有地下火車和穿山火車。)
3、Lots of profitable companiesgo under because of cash flow problems.(許多盈利的公司破產(chǎn)就好是因為資金鏈問題。)
4、It may be that he has decided to let some of the state's bad companiesgo under in order to save the others.(或許是他已決定讓該國一些經(jīng)營不良的公司破產(chǎn),以此挽救別的一些公司。)
5、Would it not be better to let mismanaged institutionsgo under, while protecting small depositors effectively?(在有效保護小儲戶的同時,讓管理不善的機構倒下不是更好嗎?)
6、If I grow smaller I cango under the door.(如果我長得更小,我就能從門底下鉆過去。)
7、But isn't it better to make peace with your own body rather than voluntarilygo under a knife?(但接受自己的身體,難道不比大刀闊斧拿著刀子進行改造來得更好嗎?)
8、The lap strap shouldgo under your belly, across your hips.(安全腰帶應該在腹部下,越過臀部)
9、You see, Lehman Brothers, a major investment bank, is apparently about togo under.(你看,很顯然,頂級投行雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)即將倒閉。)
10、“You don’t necessarily have to go through the door, ” Ms. Reid said. “You can go around it andgo under it.(要進入一個屋子,你不一定非得從門里穿過去,你可以繞過去或者是爬過去。)
11、Have a set of dumbbells ready togo under your desk.(在你的桌下放一組啞鈴。)
12、It is only a matter of time before somego under.(部分公司破產(chǎn)也只是時間的問題。)
13、There was a possibility that the entire global banking system couldgo under.(那時有可能整個全球銀行系統(tǒng)都會沉沒。)
14、That's because nobody trusted these banks they couldgo under any day and so they tended to sell at a discount.(那是因為沒有人相信這些銀行,它們可能在任何一天破產(chǎn),所以它們傾向折價出售。)
15、Next time yougo under the knife for a surgical procedure, you might want to think twice about the environment.(下一次當你躺在手術刀下的時候,你也許會再三考慮一下環(huán)境問題。)
16、All of a sudden, it started togo under.(突然,它開始下沉。)
17、Her daughter would sometimesgo under her dress and come out the other side.(她女兒有時會鉆到她的裙子底下然后再從另一頭冒出來。)
18、Which way the partial pressure of the water shouldgo under one bar pressure, room temperature.(水的分壓會如何變化,在一個大氣壓,室溫下。)
19、The point man for Denver's new airport says there's no way it'llgo under.(丹佛新機場的負責人說這個機場項目是絕不會中止的。) Hao86.com
20、The firm willgo under unless business improves.(生意若無起色,這家公司將會倒閉。)
21、Lian: In that case, we'd prefer togo under the terms of F.O.B..(麗安:如果是這樣的話,我們希望以離岸價格處理。我們還可以利用以下的這些句型來表達自己的選擇。)
22、The recession has pushed more people out of work and caused more small- and mid-sized businessesgo under.(衰退已經(jīng)奪走了許多人的工作,并造成更多中小型企業(yè)沉沒。)
23、He wouldgo under if his business went on failing.(如果生意繼續(xù)失敗,他將會破產(chǎn)。)
24、In this scene we see Joshgo under the link for the first time, and take over control of his avatar body.(杰克的第一堂連接課。在這個鏡頭里我們看見杰克第一次進入連接然后進行對阿凡達的控制。)
25、Finally, you'llgo under the covers of the Tracing aspect and find out how it works.(最后,我們將會在表面之下討論追蹤方面以及它是如何工作的。)
26、Policymakers will surely not repeat the mistake they made then, of letting a big bankgo under.(決策者絕不會重復同樣的錯誤——大銀行破產(chǎn)。)
27、He saw the cockroach scurry under it with the gecko far behind struggling togo under.(他看見那只蟑螂急匆匆地從它下面鉆過去,壁虎在后面很遠的地方掙扎著要鉆過去。)
28、Furthermore, we're likely to see widespread bank consolidation as weaker playersgo under or get nationalized.(另外,在弱小的主體破產(chǎn)和國有化的同時,我們有可能會看到大規(guī)模的銀行合并。)