1、The wine would freeze on the way from the kitchen through — it is sad — to the bigdining hall.(從廚房到宴會廳酒全部都上凍了,這真糟糕,寬敞的舞會廳就這么成擺設了。)
2、I decided to skip dinner—I could hide out in the common room phone booth until I knew Dede had gone to thedining hall, then sneak back upstairs.(我決定不去晚餐——可以躲在休息室的電話亭里,等確認黛德去了食堂,再溜回二樓。)
3、The next night was formal dinner. And most people showered in the gym after sports practice, then went straight to thedining hall.(第二天晚上是正式的晚餐。體育鍛煉之后,大多數(shù)人都在體育館沖澡,然后直接去食堂。)
4、I've been getting reports of you guys complaining to thedining hall staff 'cause you overslept but you still want your pancakes.(我不斷接到你們投訴食堂工作人員的報告,因為你們睡過了頭兒,卻還想吃薄餅。)
5、If only we've gone to the schooldining hall.(要是我們去了學校食堂就好了。)
6、Apple Park is not only a fantastic working place, there is a hugedining hall for all the Apple people to have meals together at once.(蘋果公司總部不僅是一個很棒的工作場所,那里還有一個巨大的餐廳,供所有的員工一起吃飯。)
7、The skyscraper will primarily be used as a gourmetdining hall and luxury hotel.(這一摩天大廈將主要用于高檔餐飲及酒店,可在這大廈的陰影中的農民許多人的日收入還不足10美元。)
8、Instead, at Harrow School, founded in 1572, graduating boys have a black-tie 'Leavers Feast' with their parents in the schooldining hall.(創(chuàng)建于1572年的哈羅公學(HarrowSchool)男生畢業(yè)時在學校食堂舉行“離校生宴會”,佩戴黑色領帶,攜父母一同出席。)
9、Our father came out into thedining hall decked splendidly in his golden robes and red silk stockings, with Morrani by his side, attired just as fashionably.(父親到達用餐殿,身穿金色長袍,紅色絲質高筒襪,一身高貴,莫瑞尼在一旁陪伴,穿著同樣華麗。)
10、Chef Chris Stelzer directs platters into thedining hall and expertly flips pancakes while a huge, noisy vent wicks up warm, bacon-scented air.(廚師ChrisStelzer一遍指揮著將大淺盤送到餐廳里去,一般熟練地翻滾著煎餅,巨大而喧鬧的通風口處不斷排放著溫暖的、飄蕩著咸肉味的空氣。)
11、the village is thriving as new batches of athletes arrive daily. The chaos in thedining hall is a key indicator of the increase in athlete volume.(“每天都有新的選手入住,奧運村越來越紅火”餐廳的混亂是選手數(shù)量增加的關鍵指標。)
12、I work as a waiter in the campusdining hall, in the faculty dining room.(我在學校餐廳教職工窗口上班,當服務員。)
13、I finally spotted her in thedining hall that night.(終于,在那天晚上,我在食堂發(fā)現(xiàn)了她。) hAo86.com
14、The next morning, each one went down to get breakfast in thedining hall of their respective dorms.(第二天早上,男女雙方徑直回到自己的宿舍餐廳吃早飯。)
15、My brother was a cook and took me to thedining hall for a meal.(我的哥哥是一個廚師,帶我去他們的餐廳就餐。)
16、When the bell rang I rushed to thedining hall at once.(當鈴聲響起的時候,我立刻沖到食堂。)
17、The first part- Consultation Meeting begun at 11 o'clock outside thedining hall.(當天中午11點,巡展的第一個環(huán)節(jié)-場外咨詢會在復旦本部食堂門前展開。)
18、After the presentation, we all trickled in thedining hall for lunch.(介紹會結束之后,我們都在食堂里吃午飯。)
19、Addison: This is thedining hall of the Sarah Siddons Society.(艾迪生:這是莎拉希·登斯評委會的宴會廳。)
20、Guests would fall silent in wonder as servants carried Carême's fancy creations into thedining hall.(當服務員們把卡萊姆的奇思妙想搬到餐廳時,客人們會出于驚奇而安靜下來。)
21、They rolled the round tabletop into thedining hall.(他們把圓桌面滾到餐廳里。)